So you know those profit margins, the absurd criterion for determining what is and what isn't billable hours, the economies of scale that have no basis in what could improve our product, all that emphasis on PR and agency profile and agency report cards, the CFO's that don't understand where to put the money, the mad men and women who keep accounts in their hip pocket, the management with no managing skill, the plagiarizers, the memorizers and the self-promoters...well, fuck you. FUCK YOU! You give me back pain, acid reflux and you exacerbate my insomnia.
What am I gonna do about these things? Some would say I really don't do very much, this being pretty much all I do. Fine. It makes me feel better to write about it. It cleans the slate. It cleans the slate so I can do a better job at work. See, Creativity can be a useful tool for Creativity. And a blog can be like the blues.