Don't you hate when you can hear a dumb joke coming from a mile away? A few weeks ago, watching the Olympics, I heard the announcer introduce a trampolinist named Dong Dong. You heard it, Dong Dong. I started to write a bit about Dong Dong, trying to make the point, with a little humor, that if you want to impress someone, it would be advisable to give your product or service a good solid name. But I scrapped it. It started to sound stupid. Dong Dong may be right up there with Moon Unit Zappa, Mike Huckabee and possibly even Dick Hurtz, but it was just 3rd grade name-calling. So I was relieved to see that Dong Dong only won bronze. Had he won gold, too many of the English speaking press, the talk show hosts and the bloggers might have thought it was a win win.
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